Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 18: The Move

The move: phase 1 of many, many trips.

I stayed home from work to start packing. I packed a bunch of boxes worth. I can't believe how much stuff we have. At least some of it is still packed: we have 15 bins already packed up and sitting on our balcony. I'm a little nervous to open them up. They've been exposed to the elements since we moved here last March. Oh well, it's stuff we don't really use anyway.

We also got our ducts cleaned today.

When Nate got home from work, we packed up our recliner and couch and brought them over to the house. Then we came back and got our bed and box spring and brought it over to the house. Mom and Dad are coming up this weekend and we want to start living at the house so that we don't waste time commuting. Plus, now I'm just getting really excited about the house.

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