Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 6: Fired

Let me just start out by saying, I'm used to my family "firing" me from certain tasks. For example, my sister fired me from addressing the envelopes on MY wedding invitations because my handwriting wasn't good enough and I wasn't properly centering the addresses (sorry to those of you who got my envelopes...thanks for coming to my wedding anyway). I am more of a big picture type of person and sometimes overlook details or get overwhelmed by all of them. So I should not have been surprised when I was fired from painting my own house. Dad and Nate had gone to Menards to get new subfloor for the bathrooms so Mom started trimming the second coat of the basement living room. I thought I could roll behind her once she got far enough ahead. I guess I was wrong. It is a dark color and apparently more finicky so you have to roll it just right. Fine, it was my friend Maria's birthday anyway so I just called her. "Mom said, it's not that I'm firing you, you were never hired, honey." I see how it is. I'm really not offended. It's just one of our family jokes. As an aside, you may notice that none of the pictures in this blog include me. That is because I am the family photographer, something I'll probably never be fired from. I'm trying to figure out if it's because I'm good at it or just that my family would rather be photographed than be the photographer themselves. Time will tell.

We did get a lot accomplished. Nate's parents came up and brought firewood so they built a fire. Nate and his dad cleaned all of the snow off of the roof. They also chipped ice. Nate's mom and I cleaned the kitchen cupboards and made them all shiny. My parents finished painting the basement living room and put the first coat on the master bedroom and the guest bedroom. I'm so pleased with the colors. Dad also repaired the bathroom walls. The previous owners had glued the towel rack and toilet paper dispenser to the walls. I vow to never glue anything to my walls. We all treated everyone to a nice supper at Tinuccis after a hard day's work.

1 comment:

  1. Haha this one was the funniest yet... I miss ALL OF YOU!!!
